Sunday, September 9, 2012


You know what???  You never really know what fun is all about until you watch a child at play...

They approach things with unbridled wonder... often getting distracted along the way, be it by a butterfly, bumblebee or whatever.

As adults, we need to try to find a way to recapture some of that child like enthusiasm... don't ya think???

Well... for about  8 hour last Saturday,  we did just that!!!

So... what did we do last Saturday?

Welp.. we launched our First Annual Blue Steel Cyclocross Clinic with 64 enthusiastic riders... many who were new to the sport.   Of the 64 riders... we had close to 10 junior riders in the group, which just added to the fun.... not to mention, the energy level...  Kids on bikes are = to main lining adrenaline!!!! 

We broke the Clinic into 2 sessions... a morning and afternoon session... 

We had 6 skills stations we taught in the morning.  

The skills we covered were:

*  Mounts and Dismounts
*  Barriers 
*  Shouldering The Bike
*  Off Camber Riding
*  Pit Set Up
*  Cross Equipment

Folks started out a bit tentatively... but after a few minutes we saw their confidence begin to slowly build, then we heard hoots of excitement as they accomplished things they didn't think they would be able to do.  It's amazing to see people progress so quickly is such a short period of time.  

The child like enthusiasm comes bursting out of all of us when we see progress, that we didn't think possible... regardless of our age.  

Hey... where you going????   No idea...  Where, you going ???

Then, after a short lunch break... which was provided, the afternoon session tied the skills together and everyone raced!!!

Everyone did really well and I'm so proud and happy for both the folks who attended, and for my teammates, sponsors, and friends of the team who helped... They all did such a great job on and off the course.  What a great effort... what a great day!  Everyone really had a good time out there and it really showed on the smiling faces. 

Uhh... who's idea was this anyway???

First Annual Blue Steel Cross Clinic Graduates!!


Chocolate milk make a great recovery ride drink in a pinch!

Despite the warm temps.... we kept everyone well hydrated and everyone had tons of fun!

We're going to do it again next year... so if you want to recapture some of your child like enthusiasm... come join us.  You won't regret it. 

Before closing... I would like to take a moment to thank all the folks who helped out in putting on the event... many of them were Blue Steel Team members, but many were not.

I would love to give individuals shout outs but in fear of leaving someone out... I will not, for fear of hurting that one lone soldiers feelings... I could never forgive myself.    With that said.  Thank you, thank you, thank you...  

An effort of this size... can not be pulled off with out a ton of work and without a team effort, it simply can't be done.  Hopefully the smiles on the faces of the 64+ happy folks who attended the Clinic was enough payment for your efforts... if not... then please accept my thanks and gratitude.  

We'll do it again next year!

Have fun out there

Ride Safe!!

Talk with you soon

The Peanut Gallery