Friday, February 1, 2013


Tom Stevens (My Coach) and I, have a number of discussions about race tactics and strategies, and awhile ago we discussed the fact that races are often won or lost...  by what Tom would qualify as "a race of inches", which, simply put... is a combination of tiny mistakes, or tactical errors ... or on the other end of the spectrum, great lines, efficient use of energy, surging at exactly the right moments that can either win or lose the race for you.

Today for the first time in my cycling career... my race  was such a crazy roller coaster ride of bad luck, a tough crash, getting caught and passed in the bell lap and then with the crowds help... with their encouragement and cheering...  I was able to win the Rainbow Jersey.  Today, the sidelines were the one inch I needed to win the race,  it was enough to bring me to my knees...

I will never forget today's race for as long as I live.

For everything that was going wrong at the beginning of the bell lap... everyone on the course continued to believe in me. 

Despite the fact the gap was growing, and it appeared that the wheels may be coming off my plane.

The shouts of support from the sidelines and the pit are what helped lift me back up, and helped me close that gap.  Your shouts of encouragement are what caused me to not only bridge the gap but go by and keep on going.

If you think your cheers don't matter... I'm telling you they MATTER!  Your cheers helped me win a World title today.  I owe every person standing out there today, a big thank you.. whether you were cheering for me or not.  It doesn't matter.  Because it mattered to someone.  

It makes a huge difference. 

If not for all of you...  I would not be going home with a World Title today.   You guys rock!!!

Thanks so much.

Kathy Sarvary