Thursday, January 5, 2012
What a day, rise at 6:oo, chug a coffee, wolf down a pop tart and start loading the vans with all the bikes and equipment. Tom and I have a lot to do to get ready for Kathy and Karens race. They will warm up on their number 2 bikes which will have to be cleaned and lubed when they are done. We need to get all the spare wheels, brushes and assorted other cleaning apparatus to the pit area. Tom is the designated pit BOSS and I guess I'm still the tootsie. Kathy and Karen will each take a bike change every lap. You wouldn't believe how much mud and prairie grass a bike will accumulate in a lap. My job is to take the muddy bike from the rider and Tom will give them a clean bike. I then run the dirty bike over to a high pressure washer, clean it and then return the bike to Tom who will spray it with lube and all kinds of other chemicals to keep it running smoothly. While Tom is doing that I monitor the rider and when they come in for a fresh bike update them on their progress, ie if they are gaining on an other rider or if they are being caught. Betcha didn't know this whole bicycling thing could be so complicated. Ok, Kathy just won her 6th National championship and Karen took third in her field and now it's time for me to go do a warm up and get ready for a 3pm start, I'm exhausted. So we're at the start and some smart a!? Spectator say's don't anybody break a hip, he should try this out. Of course Paul Curley schools everyone on the art of cyclocross, I want to throw up after 3 laps but keep going 'cause if the girls can do this I sure can! Anyway it has all been worth it, Blue Steel had two of our finest on the podium and Paul, well do I need to say more. So tomorrow I have been promoted to Pit BOSS for Toms race and the podium girls are my pit tootsies for the day, this should be fun! We are having a blast! I'll let you know tomorrow if the tootsies cut the mustard.