Friday, January 11, 2013

The Hearts of a Lions

Today I was a spectator, stood in the damp fog along with a tons of other spectators... watching racers and I saw some amazing things...  But there's only one thing I want to write about today because that moment, brought me to tears. 

Ellen Noble won her first National Championship today... she won it on one of the hardest courses, with some of the toughest conditions imaginable. Add to that... the loss of her dad, less than 9 months ago and I don't know how anyone, regardless of age... but someone so young... can be so poised, centered and focused to have the ability to train, race and win, at the level of the National Championships.    

Both Ellen and Sandy (her mom)... came back to Madison, not only for Ellen but I would imagine for other reasons... 

What I witnessed was a young woman showing the strength of a thousand today.  She raced with the heart of a lion...

I was standing at the finish line with Sandy.  Her eyes were closed... she couldn't bear to watch, we weren't 100% sure who would cross first.  But I could hear her whisper softly, "Dear God, please let her win... she deserves this and it's been such a hard year." 

When Ellen rolled across the line... both mother and daughter were in tears... for a million different reasons.   

I broke down and cried with them...


No one deserved that win more that Ellen Noble.  For a million reasons.  She beat an obstacle that none of us had to face.... a broken heart.

Congratulations Ellen....  You and your mom were my hero's today!!

Peanut out.