You know… I consider myself a somewhat responsible adult.
Sure… I tear the tags off my mattresses even though the label clearly states I could go to prison or something along those lines… but I figure… it’s my mattress!! I can freaking burn the damned thing to a tiny little crisp if I damned well feel like it, and if they want to make a federal case out of it, then BRING IT ON!
Wow… It’s early in the blog and I’m already off track… so sorry about that, not enough coffee!
So, getting back to being a somewhat responsible adult… burning my mattress to a tiny little crisp doesn't sound too responsible now does it???
Well, in the vein of being responsible… As a somewhat responsible adult, for years… I have been dressing myself without any assistance. My guess is… the same holds true for many of you…
That is… EXCEPT before a group ride or race…
I’m not sure how or why. But, it seems when we arrive at the designated ride location, the second we crawl out of our vehicles, the minute we spot another rider... a circular dialogue starts to take place, amongst previously decisive adults.... and it starts out and usually ends something like this…
Rider #1 “So, what are you going to wear?
Rider #2 “Don’t know.. What are you going to wear?”
Rider #1 “ Hm, not sure… maybe a base layer… but it might be too hot for that, what do you think?”’
Rider #2 “Yeah you might be right.. might be too hot for a base layer, not sure. ”
Rider #1 “ Well.... let’s see, what the other guys are wearing.”
Rider #2 “ Ok.. Yeah, let's wait and see what the other guys are wearing."
The larger the group of riders... The greater the discussion of what to wear. Before long, you will see folks either rapidly disrobing or adding clothing, based on the outcome of the discussion.
I often wonder... if someone suggested to ride naked... and someone else agreed... if the group would in fact roll down the road naked. It's a possibility! There are naked races... I've been to a few!! I'm not quiet sure how the neighbors would react... guess it would depend on the neighborhood.
Now… here’s something else I’ve discovered. The higher the stakes.. (meaning if it’s a race vs. just a training ride)… the bigger the discussion of, “what to wear” amongst the riders.
Now, you would think we would “know” what to wear by now, wouldn’t you???? But it seems we don’t trust our own instincts… We have to huddle and discuss.
So… from time to time, I like to screw with my competitors a little right before a race by uttering 5 simple words and then walk away. Those 5 words are...
“You gonna race in that!?”
That’s normally enough to cause my competitors' head to explode… second guessing their race kit choice.
I've actually seen folks go running back to their cars tearing off crap, thinking they've totally either over or under dressed.
“You gonna race in that!?”
That’s normally enough to cause my competitors' head to explode… second guessing their race kit choice.
I've actually seen folks go running back to their cars tearing off crap, thinking they've totally either over or under dressed.
Don’t get me wrong… I am not immune to the above circular dialogue. The truth is, the Flea and I normally have this very discussion while I am standing inside of the Blue Steel van… tossing clothing in so many directions it looks like the Tasmania devil was the interior decorator.
The Flea has gotten use to my chaotic organization skills. We finally land on the proper dress code for the day… which usually means… “ lets wait and see what everyone else is wearing”.
The Flea has gotten use to my chaotic organization skills. We finally land on the proper dress code for the day… which usually means… “ lets wait and see what everyone else is wearing”.
We just make our decisions in private!!! Without a herd of other riders listening in…
I will tell you this, it's advisable to listen to your instincts. Instincts are good. That's why God gave them to you. They are part of your survival skills.
Several years ago, I went for a training ride in Western MA in mid April with a group of 5 other guys and we had the circular dialogue... the day was sunny and based on the consensus, I shed my jacket and we headed out for a 50 miler.
I will tell you this, it's advisable to listen to your instincts. Instincts are good. That's why God gave them to you. They are part of your survival skills.
Several years ago, I went for a training ride in Western MA in mid April with a group of 5 other guys and we had the circular dialogue... the day was sunny and based on the consensus, I shed my jacket and we headed out for a 50 miler.
An hour into the ride the sun totally vanished, the winds came up from nowhere and it started to sleet, and believe me things only got worse from that point on..
I swear if I had the energy, I would have thrown an absolute full on tantrum. I don't know what I was angrier about... the fact that I made the decision to leave my warm weather CRAP in my car or the fact that my lips were blue, my fingers were numb, we were scrounging through garbage cans trying to salvage newspapers and plastic bags to line the inside of our jerseys, shorts, and socks to try to hold in as much body heat as possible and to boot, I had no freaking clue where in the hell we were!
It was a toss up... I was just plain pissed about everything. I guess it was better to stay mad than to cry. So I focused on being mad.
I swear if I had the energy, I would have thrown an absolute full on tantrum. I don't know what I was angrier about... the fact that I made the decision to leave my warm weather CRAP in my car or the fact that my lips were blue, my fingers were numb, we were scrounging through garbage cans trying to salvage newspapers and plastic bags to line the inside of our jerseys, shorts, and socks to try to hold in as much body heat as possible and to boot, I had no freaking clue where in the hell we were!
It was a toss up... I was just plain pissed about everything. I guess it was better to stay mad than to cry. So I focused on being mad.
We ended up riding like that for another 3 hours... hypothermia was an issue and we had to cut the pace down to keep everyone together... Oh... I forgot to mention, not a single Einstein bothered to bring a cell phone either. I'm surprised none of us become friends with the local Coroner.
Brother I will never forget that day!!!! That's why I look like a Sherpa when I ride... my pockets are full of crap, just in case it gets cold!!!
So... that's a MacGyver tip, that you hopefully don't want to have to use.
If you get caught in a bad situation like the one I just described... use newspaper and trash bags. Stop in a grocery store if you have to... line the inside of your jersey and shorts, it will cut the wind and hold in body heat. It does make a difference. You see the guys grabbing newspapers and jamming them inside of their jerseys to this day, in the tour, when then come off the high mountains. They aren't grabbing the paper to catch up on the news... :)
So… with Mother Nature still straddling the fence and teetering between Spring and Winter… here are a few dressing tips.
As it's beginning to warm up...
As it's beginning to warm up...
As tempted as you may be in displaying the Quads that you have been working on all winter in the gym… don't go flying out the door in shorts and a short sleeve jersey so fast SKIPPY!!
The rule of thumb if the temps are below 60 degrees : You should always have a wicking base lay (topside) and at least knee warmers (to keep your joints warm) The fluid around our knees are slow to warm up… and our knees are critical to our riding, so you can’t treat them too kindly.
So... I'm really not sure what the point of my knee picture... but I thought it would be cool to have a picture of a knee for your to look at.
Oh... lookeee here... ya don't want to be a member of the Badknee club now do ya????
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Apparel combinations to consider for your Cool/Cold weather riding:
Cool: 64 to 54 degrees
Cold degrees Freezing: 42 to 0 degrees
Cool/Cold: Castelli Thermo Skully or Gore Wind stopper head gear
Cool: Riding shorts and leg or knee warmers or lightweight knickers
Cold: Super Tights / Bib Tights or Bib Knickers
Freezing: Stopper Tights or Bib tights with a poly base layer or padded short.Feet:
Cool: Gore Wind Stopper Socks
Cold: Lycra Booties or Toe covers with wool or Polyester wicking socks
Freezing: Wind Stopper Booties, with wool socks
Cold: Lycra Booties or Toe covers with wool or Polyester wicking socks
Freezing: Wind Stopper Booties, with wool socks
Cool: Fingerless glovesCold: Thin full finger gloves or fingerless gloves with a liners beneath
Freezing: Wind Stopper gloves
Cool: Fingerless glovesCold: Thin full finger gloves or fingerless gloves with a liners beneath
Freezing: Wind Stopper gloves
Cool: Sleeves base layer, short sleeve jersey and arm warmers and leg/knee warmers
Cold: Full sleeve base layer and full sleeve jersey and a lightweight wind Jacket or wind/thermal Vest
Freezing: Full sleeve base layer, jersey and a Wind Stopper Jacket
If you find yourself short on any cold weather clothing (including gloves)… we will be taking 20% off all of the cold weather clothing in the store during the upcoming TREKFEST SPRING SALE during the week of April 9th - April 14th. Quantities will be limited, so drop by early for best selections. We'll be taking 10% off of everything else in the store (excluding bikes)... so, it will be well worth a trip in... if you need anything.
Have fun out, ride safe
Have fun out, ride safe
I’ll take with you all soon
The Peanut Gallery