These jerseys now belong to the Blue Steel Shop... I couldn't have done it without the support of my crew, loved ones, family, friends, teammates and all of you! Thanks so much. I sit hear with tears in my eyes, it is very humbling...
These were waiting for me when I got home... With a congratulatory card from my dog Coldy, I burst into tears.
Colby is getting into the bag to make sure if I decide to leave again, I'm not leaving without her... she doesn't realize I'm unpacking.
MVP item of clothing... Bontrager rain pants. I wore these things for course check out over tights, in the pits, in the rain, in the mud, every day... wow, they saved my life!
Wow... is there any MORE stuff we can find to jam into 2 vans????
Okay... Tom's missing a spoke wrench and none of this crap is going back into the van until he finds it.
Ugh, These need to be sterilized!

Big Pit, "Score.. I tossed Peanut's pit bike into the trash, I decided it was too muddy to wash!"

Pit at Sun Down... still stuff to clean

Ned Overend making his move to take the lead that resulted in his World Title
Hey Sports Fans,
Sitting here with the Colby on my lap, Louisville feels like a million miles away. It's hard to believe that we were covered in several layers of mud a little over 72 hours ago.
In reflecting back over the past week we arrived in 50 degree temps and then watched the course transition from a total mud slog to a frozen rutted cheese grater. A crash on frozen ruts would shred through a skin suit and exfoliate 2 layers of skin at no charge to the rider... except the pain of course.
All the super cold weather and redundant cycling clothing we brought and didn't need in Madison... was pulled out and used in Louisville. I felt bad for the folks coming from Southern California, many of them avoided the trip to Madison in hopes of avoiding exactly what they were facing in Louisville... OOPS!
One of the things that I really appreciate about Nationals and Worlds is that it gives us more time to spend with people and as a result you get to know each other a bit better... I realize that can be a combination of good and bad, we all have some annoying little habits that can drive each other crazy, but all in all, I still think it's good.
Had it not been for these past 2 weeks, I wouldn't have realized how fantastically funny and kind my teammates and friends we've been racing with all season are. During the course of the season, we don't really get to spend much time together... but during these past two weeks... we've spent pretty much all day together, every day. Everyone has been fantastic. What a wonderful group of people.
As much as this sport means to me I really do recognize it is a sport and in the grand scheme of things a jersey and medal holds little if no meaning. It's the people that we race with, crash with, laugh and cry with, get scared out of our wits with and grab across the finish line because we don't have the strength to stand on our own that really make it all worth while... it's also the folks and furry ones that are waiting behind the scenes who patiently wait and support us.
Sometimes during the season I have to remind myself of this point... however at this moment... I am cystal clear on this very important fact.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Talk to you all soon,